����Does Patriot����s History of the United States make better citizens? Ask this teacher.����

“Dear Dr. Schweikart,
I teach Citizenship classes to Turkish and Middle Eastern immigrants. I noticed my class had a citizenship exam passing rate of less than 70% using State and Federal curriculum.

Back in October I started using A Patriot’s History of the United States as our core resource. Since then, our passing rate and average score has surpassed 95%. What I have also noticed is the attitude shift the class participants have toward the United States. As of late they enter the class with an anti-American perception, only graduating with a sense of pride and humility that a nation as great as ours would welcome them.
Your book needs to be the foundation of every American history academic institution. What my students have taken away is a deep felt appreciation for the toil and sacrifice of those who made America.
Thank you again for your work,

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