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Update on Orders!

Sunday, February 14th, 2010

I just heard from the head of Sentinel Publishing, who tells me that “we should see some improvement” in the stock situation by mid-week. Another 15,000 copies were printed early last week, but the snow storms delayed shipments. I’ll keep you posted as I learn more.


  1. Outstanding! Print more, Glenn Beck is recommending it daily! I just bought three copies to spread around and to innoculate my kids from the liberal educational elite. Keep up the good work.

  2. I ordered 2 copies today, too! 1 to keep, 1 to share!

  3. I purchased a copy, but am going to buy a couple of more to hand out to friends who need to be educated…this book is an awesome book and brings out the real truth. Thanks for a well researched and written textbook…

  4. Beck showed the book on his program last evening and is practically begging his viewers to read it, saying that this boook is an essential read for patiotic Americans…

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